Tracking Due Dates

Business, Practice Management

Have you ever lain awake at night wondering if you forgot to do something? Did I pick-up the milk or did I get the dry cleaning? What about, even worse, forgetting to pick up the kids from school because you were so distracted with activities needing to be accomplished. That’s a deal killer!!!
Give that lifestyle to someone else. One of the nice things about creating projects in Office Tools Professional’s, Practice Management software is the ability to track due dates and allocate when you need to work on any particular project. Rather than crowding your brain and deteriorating your productivity with all of the stress of wondering, “Is everything done”?, Office Tools Professional will bring to your attention the things that you need to work on at the appropriate time; in-turn freeing up the mental space you need for key business decisions..
In our firm when creating a project in Practice Management, we assign a start date as well as a due date. Next we assign and prioritize tasks. Then through helpful features such as pop-up reminders, and employee Activity Lists we never run behind on a project or miss another due date. The reminders can be scheduled to alert us and the Activity List can be sorted or filtered to identify our priorities. Also, we can do this for multiple clients and prepare the projects to reoccur as needed; a literal moment’s process. Thus, the process continues without additional interaction.
With solutions like this you’ll never wonder, “Is everything done?” Office Tools Professionals Practice Management software: Changing productivity one firm at a time.